HWH Europe
HWH Europe Leveling and room extension systems

Schematics and Flow Diagrams

Hydraulic Leveling Systems Schematics

200/210/225 Leveling System - 4 Kickdown jacks - MP65306C
200/210/225 Leveling System - 4 Straight-Acting jacks - MP659435

305/310/325 Leveling System - 4 Kickdown jacks - MP653025
305/310/325 Leveling System - 4 Straight-Acting jacks - MP653005
310 Leveling System - 6 Straight-Acting jacks - MP65325C
310 Leveling System - travel trailer/fifth wheel - 4 Straight Acting jacks - front jack equalization - MP65327C
310 Leveling System - travel trailer/fifth wheel - 4 Straight Acting jacks - front jack equalization & front pressure switches - MP65324K
310 Leveling System - travel trailer/fifth wheel - 4 Straight Acting jacks w/ pressure switches - no manifold pressure switch - MP650115
310 Leveling System - 2 Kickdown jacks - MP652105
310 Leveling System - 2 Kickdown jacks - no manifold pressure switch - MP654535
310 Leveling System - 2 Straight-Acting jacks - MP653020
310 Leveling System - 3 Straight-Acting jacks - MP653065
310 Leveling System - 4 Straight-Acting jacks - 2 cylinder axle lift - MP65311C

Landing Gear - 1 or 2 jacks - MP653153
Landing Gear - 2 jacks with room extensions - MP653156

400 Leveling System - 4 Kickdown jacks - MP653460
400 Leveling System - 4 Straight-Acting jacks - MP653462

510 Leveling System - 4 Kickdown jacks - MP651505
510 Leveling System - 4 Straight-Acting jacks - MP653710

610 Leveling System - 4 Kickdown jacks with pressure switches - MP655010
610 Leveling System - 4 Straight-Acting jacks with pressure switches - MP654525
610 Leveling System - 4 Straight-Acting jacks - 2 rear stabilizer jacks - all jacks with pressure switches - MP65501M
625 Leveling System - 4 Kickdown jacks with pressure switches - MP65603C
625 & 625 Single Step Leveling System - 4 Straight-Acting jacks with pressure switches - MP65601C

Hydraulic Room Extension Schematics & Flow Diagrams

1 room - single cylinder with large valves - MP659468
1 room - dual cylinder with rack sensing valve and large valves - MP659430
1 room - dual cylinder with rack sensing valve and reversible pump - MP659410
1 room - dual cylinder wuth synch cylinder and large valves - MP659453

2 rooms - 2 single cylinder rooms with large valves - MP659445
2 rooms - 1 dual cylinder with rack sensing valves & 1 single cylinder with large valves - MP659420
2 rooms - 2 dual cylinder with rack sensing valve and large valves - MP659436
2 rooms - 1 dual cylinder with rack sensing valve & 1 single cylinder with small valves - MP659600

Step Cover manifold and cylinder - MP659525

Flow Diagram - single cylinder with large valves - MP659459
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with large valves - extending - MP65956C
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with large valves - stationary position - MP65327F
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with rack sensing valve and large valves - stationary position - MP659481
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with rack sensing valve and large valves - extending - MP659483
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with rack sensing valve and large valves - extending -racked front - MP659485
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with rack sensing valve and large valves - extending -racked rear - MP659487
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with rack sensing valve and large valves - retracting - MP659489
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with rack sensing valve and large valves - retracting -racked front - MP659491
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with rack sensing valve and large valves - retracting -racked rear - MP659493
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with synch cylinder and large valves - stationary position - MP659455
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with synch cylinder and large valves - extending cylinders - MP659458
Flow Diagram - dual cylinder with synch cylinder and large valves - retracting cylinders - MP659472
Flow Diagram - 4 cylinder with synch cylinder and large valves - stationary position - MP659472
Flow Diagram - 4 cylinder train drive with large valves - stationary position - MP659550
Flow Diagram - 4 room locks with large valves - MP65957C

Air Leveling System Schematics

(For complete chassis air system schematics refer to chassis manufacturer)

Air Leveling - no tag axle - 2 manifolds - MP752108
Air Leveling - with tag axle - 3 manifolds - no tag lift Foretravel - MP754509
Air Leveling - with tag axle - 3 manifolds - no tag lift - regulated air for tag manifold - MP75020C
Air Leveling - with tag axle - 3 manifolds - tag lift - 6 valve tag manifold - MP75210J & MP75310J
Air Leveling - with tag axle - 3 manifolds - tag lift - 8 valve tag manifold - MP75012F & MP75012N

Electrical Schematics

100/110 4 Lever - Kickdown jacks - MP859905
100/110 4 Lever - Kickdown jacks with air dump - MP859910
100/110 4 Lever - Straight-Acting jacks - MP859935
100/110 4 Lever - Straight-Acting jacks with air dump - MP859940

200 Joystick - Kickdown jacks - MP859925
200 Joystick - Kickdown jacks with air dump - MP859930
200 Joystick - Straight-Acting jacks - MP851525
200 Joystick - Straight-Acting jacks with air dump - MP859920
210 Joystick - Kickdown jacks - MP852020
210 Joystick - Kickdown jacks with air dump - MP852030
210 Joystick - Straight-Acting jacks with or without air dump - MP852025

310 manual Touch-Panel - Motorized - Kickdown or Straight-Acting Jacks with or withour air dump - MP88102
310 manual Touch-Panel - Travel trailer/Fifth Wheel - Kickdown or Straight jacks with or without air dump MP88105
305/325 manual Touch-Panel - Motorized - Kickdown or Straight Jacks with or withour air dump - No "Not in Park/Brake" light - MP88700
325 manual Touch-Panel - Motorized - Kickdown or Straight Jacks with or withour air dump - has "Not in Park/Brake" light in touch panel - MP89055

500 Series - Prevost air leveling - AP9705

610 computerized - Kickdown or Straight Jacks with or withour air dump - MP88101
625 computerized - Kickdown or Straight Jacks with or withour air dump - Blade fuse for touch panel power supply - MP89055
625 or 625 Single Step computerized - Kickdown or Straight Jacks with or withour air dump - Poly fuse for touch panel power supply - MP89573

Interface for HWH rooms to Intellitec operating systems - MP892570-1

Chinook 1 room with locks - MP88681
Chinook 2 rooms with locks - MP89007

Country Coach with tag - no rooms - central control module - MP89048
Country Coach with tag - with rooms - central control module - MP89049